Growing A Yoga Business

Growing A Yoga Business

Most yoga teachers who are dedicated to a yogic career path follow a similar progression. From humble beginnings teaching at community halls, schools, in local yoga studios, and privately in people’s homes, they then either continue in that way or at some point decide that they would like to start their own yoga studio. They might progress from running one-off classes, to organising workshops or immersions, and then perhaps to hosting their own retreats.

The next progression in their career may be being part of, or leading, yoga teacher trainings or doing mentoring. Like anything in life, when we are dedicated to a path of learning, there is growth and maturity that organically evolves. We transition from a novice to an intermediate to a more experienced teacher.

Alongside this maturing of our knowledge there is a parallel stream that is the growing of our yoga business. It is one thing to be an experienced, knowledgeable yoga teacher, and yet quite another thing to own and operate a successful yoga business.

What makes a yoga business successful?

For each of us, how we define a successful yoga business is going to be different.

For some teachers it is about creating an income stream that financially supports their lives, and for others it is more about creating impact and reach within their communities; for others it may be about establishing a big profile and attaining a level of renown within the yoga industry (and beyond), or it may just be a lifestyle choice driven by the desire to work less while maintaining a passive income stream.

For many teachers, a successful yoga business will be a combination of several of these elements.

Our approach - and the importance of goal-setting

Here at The Yoga Transition we work with teachers to help them understand what their goals are and work with them to develop a career path that is inspiring and fruitful.

Rather than getting bogged down in the daily grind of going from class to class, working with a mentor can be a useful process to step back, to have some discussion around why you are doing what you are doing and to check you’re on track with your vision.

As yoga teachers we are some of the lucky ones who get to make our passion our career. At The Yoga Transition we can guide you with practical strategies to make your yoga business thrive, in a way that is meaningful and unique to yourself.

Some common areas we work with teachers are:

  • Brand creation for your yoga business or personal profile
  • How to prepare for, and be great, in a job interview for a teaching position
  • Putting together a CV that stands out from the crowd
  • Planning your first immersion or workshop
  • How to facilitate a retreat
  • Creating a website for your yoga business
  • Starting a yoga studio.

We work with studio owners in a variety of ways including:

  • Branding
  • Pricing
  • Hiring staff and giving interviews
  • Improving class offerings including variation on your class types
  • Admin efficiencies
  • Setting up an online yoga platform – from recording classes to choosing a platform.

Why consider mentorship

Mentoring with a master teacher provides you with a clear path to professional development. You will receive personalised guidance on topics ranging from your personal practice, to your teaching skills, to how to move forward with your yoga career.

Our master teacher Susan Allen has over two decades of yoga practice, teaching, and guidance, and credits her most meaningful growth to the gift of mentoring from the world-class master teachers she has been fortunate enough to study with over the years.

Susan has run multiple yoga studios, teacher trainings, immersions, and retreats, and brings all of this experience to her mentoring. Harnessing her practical and technical skillset, she understands and teaches yoga pragmatically, creating a safe and collaborative space for personal development. She disseminates what she has learnt in easy to digest modules which cover both personal and professional growth goals.

Susan has been practising meditation for 35 years and has a wealth of knowledge to share about different styles of meditation, from traditional vedic meditation to Tibetan Buddhist practices. She has a keen interest in guiding teachers how to incorporate the practice of meditation into their asana classes.

Develop your yoga teaching style with mentorship

At The Yoga Transition we celebrate individuality through:

  • Steering your practice and teaching in the direction that most interests you
  • Encouraging you to discover your unique voice
  • Guiding you to develop a teaching methodology that has both integrity and individual authenticity.

Once you have completed your initial teacher training, contact us to find out how mentorship can bring you to the next level.

Our mentorship options

The Connection

USD $1,500.00

The Interaction

USD $9.95

The Unfolding

USD $140.00 – 540.00